Using Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Indesign, I created this redesign of Where The Mountain Meets the Moon by Grace Lin. This redesign was for my Intro to Typography class and one of the requirements for the assignment was that we could only use letters/type and no images. So, I created a mountain range out of the M letters on the left side and a mountain peak with the moon rising behind it using the M and O in moon. 
This is the inside of the book where I typeset a chapter. I chose to use the Golden Section for my page layout and Mrs. Eaves for the typeface. Below is the title page and one of the page spreads. All of the pages of the final completed book are in the video below. 
Here is the final book cover printed out. 
Below is a video flip through of the final book. 
Below are other cover iterations and process work for creating the final book cover. 
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